Video games
This section contains video games built for game jams, as well as contributions to other projects, notably in the framework of Altheria. Many of these games make use of third-party tools beyond the game engine that was used to build them.
Selected Game jam entries
In a nutshell
- Role: Programmer, designer, writer, composer. Teamed up with friends for the art and some tracks
- Technologies used: Unity, Godot, Blender, Aseprite, Musescore
- Learnings: Game development flow, game design, usability, prioritization and scoping
- Repositories: See individual projects
Ludum Dare 50: Epilogue
- Git repository:
- Play here:
This game is a very simple JRPG with a short narrative exploring the fate of a RPG party after it slayed the Dark Knight. The game was made in 72 hours, and theme of the game jam was Delay the inevitable.
The game was made with unity - the visual novel portions of the game rely on the Naninovel asset.
Source code snippets selection
Interesting code snippets include the Fight Manager, which handles turn based combat.
Ludum Dare 48: Katabasis
- Git repository:
- Play here:
This game is a vertical bullet hell, with a story embedded in the description of items gathered on the battlefield. The game was made in 72 hours, and theme of the game jam was Deeper and deeper.
Source code snippets selection
Bullet patterns were generated using BulletML, which allows for the definition of bullet patterns using XML. The game also contains a home-made Player Controller.
Ludum Dare 47: Duel
- Git repository:
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This game is a mix between an action and a puzzle game. Pressing SPACE allows you to dash, and a gem is dropped at the end of your dash. When three gems are dropped, there create a triangle - you interact with objects located in that triangle. The game was made in 24 hours, and theme of the game jam was Stuck in a loop.
Source code snippets selection
The game was made with Godot. It contains an example of a finite state machine.
Ludum Dare 46: Picturesque
- Git repository:
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This game allows players to explore a short story while restoring an old painting. It alternates between a "cleaning" phase, where players use a brush to restore the painting, and a narrative phase, where players follow along a story. The game was made in 72 hours, and theme of the game jam was Keep it alive.
Source code snippets selection
The game was made with Unity. Pre-rendered backgrounds were built using Blender. The restoration effect of the painting uses a simple shader - and here is the behavior of the brush.
Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam 2019: BulletSnake
- Git repository:
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This game is fast paced take on the classic game Snake: each time the snake eats a target, it starts growing incontrollably until the player shoots another target by pressing space. The game was made in 48 hours, and theme of the game jam was Only one.
Source code snippets selection
This game made with Godot was an interesting exercise in collaboration - it was made together with a friend who had little to no programming experience at the time - my goal was to expose numerical variables to allow him to easily tweak the feel of the game. Most of the game code is contained in the following file.
Ludum Dare 44: CloudWalker
- Git repository:
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This game was built with Mobile VR (Google Cardboard) in mind. That way, when holding the cardboard, players get the feel that they are using a pair of binoculars, as the game revolves around observation of the player's surroundings from an elevated position. The game was made in 48 hours, and theme of the game jam was Your life is currency.
Source code snippets selection
This game was made with Unity - several rendering pipelines were used to experiment with perfornance on mobile. It was an opportunity to experiment with procedural map generation and texturing using Perlin noise, and generation of clouds.
Ludum Dare 41: gxf1
- Git repository:
- Play here:
This game is a mix between a chess engine and a visual novel, played from the perspective of a pawn. GXF1 is the name of a move that results in a pawn being promoted. The game was made in 72 hours, and theme of the game jam was Combine two incompatible genres.
Source code snippets selection
This game was made with Godot. The core logic of the game is here.
Orbital Mayhem
In a nutshell
- Role: Programmer, designer. Teamed up with Altheria folks for the art.
- Technologies used: Unity, VRTK
- Learnings: Virtual Reality, User experience
- Repository:
Orbital Mayhem is a VR educational game about Kepler Laws. It was designed to be played on a stand during the belgian music festival "Les Ardentes" in 2017. The experience is composed of two parts: - A tutorial, when describes the said Kepler Laws and allows the player to manipulate the orbit of a planet to get a feel for the theory . - A game, where the player must use his newly acquired knowledge and modify the orbit of a planet in order to hit as many targets as possible in a limited time.
Source code snippets selection
Here is the code applying the Kepler laws to the planets displayed in game.